Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


Most people associate PTSD with events suffered by war veterans, but it is very common for any one who experiences a traumatic event to get PTSD.  It can be triggered when a person lives through, or witnesses, a traumatic event such as a fire, natural disaster, shooting,  robbery, car accident, sudden death of a loved one, abuse, etc.  Many people are not aware that they are suffering from it.  Symptoms can include flashbacks, trouble sleeping, nightmares, feeling worried, guilty, or sad.  Sometimes the symptoms don’t appear until many months after the event.  Huffington Post recently featured an article that you can read here.  If you think you or someone you know may be suffering from PTSD and want to learn a little more about it, the library has books that may be of help to you.

no-1Post-traumatic Stress Disorder – The authors here provide discussions of current research in treatment, intervention, and prevention of post-traumatic stress disorder. In addition to giving a historical review of PTSD, following chapters all include case studies intended to add to the understanding of the influences and impacts of the disease and its treatment and care. Topics include recognizing PTSD, its varieties, PTSD in children and adolescents, neuroscience, treatment approaches, and post-traumatic strengths.

no-2Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Scott Barbour – Describes the causes, symptoms, and treatments of post-traumatic stress disorder.



copingCoping with post traumatic stress disorder: a guide for families – Cheryl Roberts – This book is a user friendly discussion of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as it affects individuals and families. 


the-post-tramatic-disorderThe post traumatic stress disorder relationship: how to support your partner and keep your relationship healthy – Diane England – Citing a prevalence in PTSD in America, a guide for partners of PTSD sufferers shares practical counsel on such topics as managing a loved one’s emotions, communicating while separated by military duty, and handling post-trauma sexual relations.

sourcebookThe post-traumatic stress disorder sourcebook: a guide to healing, recovery and growth – Glenn Schiraldi – An important updated guidebook for those suffering from a traumatic experience provides information on coping mechanisms, emotional triggers, the mental defenses that protect us from further harm, and much more.

conqueringConquering post-traumatic stress disorder – More than 13 million Americans experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and one out of 13 adults will develop it in their lifetime. Recent worldwide crises and events including the Iraq war; the September 11th attacks; numerous Columbine-like events; the Catholic Church child molestation scandal; and the Katrina tragedy in New Orleans, continue to present thousands more PTSD cases each year in all age groups. This book helps victims make sense of the events that led to their illness and teaches them how to create a new reality with specific advice and action plans that put them on the road to recovery and long-term healing.

upsideUpside: the new science of post-traumatic growth – Jim Rendon -Drawing on interviews with leading researchers and trauma survivors, a journalist, delving into the study of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, uses accessible language, prescriptive takeaways and specific tools to promote positive responses to trauma.

the-body-keepsThe body keeps the score: brain, mind and body in the healing of trauma – Bessel Van Der Kolk –  A forefront expert on traumatic stress outlines his own take on healing, explaining how traumatic stress affects brain processes and how to use innovative treatments to reactivate the mind’s abilities to trust, engage others and experience pleasure.

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